Thursday, May 20, 2010

,,,just talked to a homeless man for an hour...

The text message below was forwarded to me from a good friend a few nights ago, from his friend who was actually with the homeless man.

"Just talked to a homeless man for an hour. Bought him a beer. Lance bought him food. Even after all that, the man still divided the food up between the rest of the homeless people."

I read this text message at least 5x's the night I got it and have read it countless times since.

I am blown-away at the generosity of a man that has nothing, yet when he's freely given essential needs [food and drink, not necessarily beer], he doesn't hoard it all to himself... he divides up between those that are in the same position as he.

Even in the midst of a storm there's hope... believe it OR not...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Lately I've seen people pulling out weeds of the gardens they tend to, and at times I'm sure they've been hesitant because they're tired, or it's too hot. However, when they stop to think how they're assisting the growth process of the garden by digging deep to get to the root of the rapidly increasing invaders... I wonder if they think how it relates to their own life.

In the bible it clearly states, "...I set before you life and death...choose life."

Just as those weeds are pulled out of the garden so the flowers can continue to bloom and be healthy. God desires for us to reach deep into our hearts/minds and pull out all the thoughts, past actions, things that have been done to us that are holding us down, and choose life. He wants us to choose to be healthy and offer to others the freedom we have in Christ, so others will live too.


Saturday, May 1, 2010 savior of love

Portrait of innocense,
destined to die,
beaten by many; bruised.

Blood stained clothes,
words never spoken,
power revealed,
redeeming love.

Hung on that tree,
nailed for my sins,
sinners partake in killing to live.

Risen in glory,
sent from above,
purity devoted,
portrait of innocence,
my savior of love.

[March 23, 2010 - lmw]