"This morning I was driving to work and while I was stopped at a major intersection I looked to my left and standing on the brick sidewalk I saw a man holding a sign (which is far from uncommon at this particular spot). Though I saw the man, he wasn't alone. I began to see other people with him- children, elderly, mothers, fathers... they were all holding signs but I was unable to read them. It was almost like the line of people quickly became endless. I could see them screaming through the emptiness in their eyes. Were they victims of a broken heart, jobless, abuse, sex trafficking, addictions, molestation, rape, insecurity, judgement? Were some of them lost in religion, murderers, mentally ill, suicidal, adulterers, homeless, suffering from cancer, aids, malaria, food poisoning, malnutrition, neglect, hatred, lonliness? I don't know... was there a mother that aborted her baby... I don't know.
Have you stepped into someone elses shoes lately? Have you thought about why your daughter lies to you? Have you questioned your sons mysterious behavior? What about your sister, brother, aunt, grandpa, or friend? Have you got your eyes off yourself lately to see if there's a reason why different things are happening in your relationships?
There's a stanger out there with a story to tell. Maybe it's time for us to read the "signs.""